Newkirk Coed Cheer
Tipsy Artist Painting Class & Fundraiser
Newkirk Coed Cheer Painting Class & Fundraiser.​
Date: December 3, 2023 Sunday
Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Stagecoach Event Center 400 W South Street, Newkirk, OK
Class Price: $45 *Includes use of all your art supplies​ and instruction. The Canvas is Yours to take home. All sales are Final and Non-Refundable. They are transferable to a friend. You may transfer your class registration to a friend if you are not able to make it to the class. Please let the host know about the change.
Food & Drinks: Snacks will be provided. Bring Your own drinks.
Painting Titles: Santa Highland Cow *can be painted with our without the Santa Hat or Bright Christmas Tree
*Easy & Fun with Tracing Templates ~ You trace your templates (painting) upon arrival at the class. ​Customize with your favorite colors!
Recommended Ages: 12 and up.
Thank you for your support.
For Fundraiser Class Sales Contact your host Julia Peri by Email Below:
*Please bring Your Class Receipt with you to the Class.